Petra Sittig Photography - Photoshoots for Artists and Professionals
Black and White Man Portraits True Crime & Investigative Journalism Podcast Cover (1).jpg

The artist's voice -Podcast

The Artist's voice is a platform for artists to talk about and showcase their form of art. Inviting all artists to express their love for what they do and use this platform to give an insight into their world. All dancers, choreographers, teachers, musicians, singers, composers, creators of art; this is the place to show and tell.

The Artist’s voice

I believe in the importance of creating awareness and showing support for the many creative individuals and organisations who are fighting to create and envision a future where Arts and culture remain important and relevant in our society.

With this project, I want to give artists a louder voice and a platform for them to express themselves as individuals and to share their inspiring stories and perspectives. The arts have contributed a significant amount to the evolution of humanity and society, and we should not forget the individuals who have devoted their lives to the arts; nor should we disregard the artists of today.

I also hope to indirectly contribute to educating the younger generations of the significance of the Arts. The Arts have been somewhat neglected within the educational system. I believe all forms of art are a perfect foundation from which to build a greater understanding and tolerance of each other and an understanding of the value of all forms of art in society.


Mia Zabelka: Music is about the excitement, to be curious, to explore and to have fun.

"Mia Zabelka is a noise artist, composer, experimental violinist and vocalist from Vienna. She studied the violin with Alexander Arnekov at the Vienna Conservatory and composition and electroacoustic music at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna. After completing her training with a strong classical emphasis, she continued to explore the limits of sound and music in a language entirely her own, based on the de- and reconstruction of the violin’s sonic possibilities, expanding the range of the instrument using live electronic devices, preparing it through the insertion of alien objects and innovative performance techniques. Since 2006, Mia Zabelka has been the artistic director of the Klanghaus Untergreith, an international centre for sound art in the region of Southern Styria, and since 2009 the artistic director of the Phonofemme Festival in Vienna. She has given concerts and performances at many festivals throughout Europe, the US and Asia."