Petra Sittig Photography - Photoshoots for Artists and Professionals


Bärli & Schwänli

Haslital, Switzerland

Petra Sittig product photography Switzerland eco-friendly Vienna photographer
Product photography Petra Sittig Vienna and international photographer Switzerland photoshoot
Product photography natural soap Eco Friendly Vienna Photographer Switzerland
Product photographer Eco-Friendly Vienna
Petra Sittig Product Photography Eco-friendly


Hidden Kitchen

Vienna, Austria

Product photography, products styling, product photoshoot, rebranding business photoshoot, wood products photography, echo friendly product photography
Product photography, natural product photographer, minimalistic photography, echo friendly photography

Simply New Wood Art

Brienz, Switzerland

Petra Sittig Photography for eco friendly products and designs , product photoshoot
Product photographer, Switzerland Product photographer
Product photographer, Switzerland product photography, hand made product photographs
Product photographer, Switzerland product photoshoot