Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Ryutaro Suzuki - Do all you can in the moment and your efforts will pay off. Results will come

Pianist Ryutaro Suzuki believes that all the effort you put into your work as pianist will pay off. From experience he know that even if you are in a rehearsal, or a tiny concert hall, you never know who are listening to you and you never know where this can lead to. It's important to do whatever you can do at that specific moment because and the results will come later. For musicians the results can't be seen immediately, as it is in the case with Athletes. There are no points to tell you how good you are. Everything is related to yourself as musician. There are so many unique differences that in the end it is only about yourself and your efforts.

Ryutaro also tells how he started with music lessons and his love for music that was instilled in him by his parents, even though they were not musicians themselves. Hear more about his wishes for the future and how much he loves cooking at home

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Ryutaro Suzuki - Do all you can in the moment and your efforts will pay off Petra Sittig/Ryutaro Suzuki