Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Niek KleinJan -Multi percussionist

"It's not just the hitting, because hitting the drum is of course really important. Because when you play on a drum or on a Xylophone bar, the thing you hit starts resonating, and the way you hit it, defines the way the resonating goes and how it sounds. says Multi-percussionist Nick KleinJan. Nick is talking about his interest as a young boy in playing the drums and then went on to study both in the Netherlands and Germany. He mainly plays classical music and explains that percussion instruments have become more interesting since the 20th century. Hear more about Nick's wishes for the future and his advice for young musicians who are interested in studying percussion instruments

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Niek KleinJan - Multi-percussionist podcast stereo Petra Sittig/Niek KleinJan