Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Melt Sieberhagen - Even if it is a one man show, it's still a group effort.

"The ideal situation is where nobody has to accommodate you, they just have to assimilate you." says Actor, comedian and writer Melt Sieberhagen. He feels it is good to familiarise yourself in your field and the more you know and understand what other people are doing, the better a team player you can be. "It's more about knowing what not to do" explains Melt.

Melt also does stand-up comedy in South Africa and for him it's a very interesting art form to explore. It's something you can't go and study, you have to learn to do it as you go along. Hear more about how Melt started his career as an Actor and what led him to do stand-up comedy. Melt also expresses his wishes for the future and he feel very optimistic about the South African film industry.

Melt's shout out goes to a restaurant in Cape Town: Van Hunks

The restaurant is named after the local legend of Van Hunks, who got into a smoking contest with the devil and lost – thus causing the misty “smoke” around the mountains.

One man show

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Melt Sieberhagen - Even if it is a one man show, it's still a group effort. Petra Sittig/Melt Sieberhagen