Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Marius Reklaitis - Conductor - Creating a new youth orchestra in Lithuania

"Obviously I'm not expecting perfection. It's impossible to reach this within a week with a brand new youth orchestra," says the Conductor, Marius Reklaitis. But we're concentrating on the progress and hopefully we will learn from working with this youth orchestra and hopefully we can carry on and maybe expand within the natural borders of Lithuania and do something more with the youth, because it is a growing problem especially in Lithuania. United Kingdom is also suffering kind of the same problems and solutions are needed soon otherwise in ten, twenty years, we will have no orchestras in the world because we will have no students studying." Marius is the founder of the Kent philharmonic orchestra and he tells the story of what inspired him to become a conductor. He is also talking about his role as head of music at a primary school in the UK and the benefit music education brings to the pupils of the school. Hear more about the great work Marius is doing for these children and his wishes for the future.

His shout out goes to Cafe Du Soleil in Cantebury

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Marius Reklaitis - Conductor - Creating a new youth orchestra in Lithuania Petra Sittig/Marius Reklaitis