Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Lukas Wentzel - Winemaker - You have to be creative. You have to understand your vineyard

"You know how to work it, your planning is better, your decision making on what you like, what is the right method to make your specific wine, here to get it from , when to harvest. All those little things that's necessary to make a good wine comes with a little bit of experience." says Lukas Wentzel, winemaker at Groote Post in South Africa. Lukas is taking about the experience he gained over the years he has been making wine at Groote Post and he is also grateful for the experience he gained from working at La-Motte wine farm under Jacques Borman during the first years of his winemaking career. He is also talking about the different wines at Groote Post and how connected science and art is in the process of making wine. Hear more about the history of this wonderful Wine farm in the Westcoast of South Africa and what Lukas wishes for the future.

His shout out goes to 1910 The old forge in Darling and also Hilda's Kitchen at Groote Post

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Lukas Wentzel - Winemaker - You have to be creative. Petra Sittig/Lukas Wentzel