Lina Palera - The revival of the Lyre. Discovering the music of ancient Greece.
Taking an instrument like the ancient Greek Lyre and making music with it is what Lina Palera love to do. Taking the lyre from the museum and giving it a revival and with ancient pieces of music Lina could learn to play the lyre. There are also recourses from Plato, Homer and Aristotle about the theory of the music. They have discovered scales, rhythms and little pieces of music that can be played like the ancient Greeks. During the golden years of Greece, the Lyre was the national instrument and even children in school all learnt to play this instrument. In school they believed that the playing the Lyre will develop the education of children. The music of the Lyre was in those times also used as music therapy because the sound of this instrument was believed to have healing effects. Hear more about how Lina is now experimenting with the music of this wonderful instrument and also about the Lyre academy which she has started. Lina also expresses her wishes for the future and her shout out goes to a restaurant Toixo Toixo in the old town of Thessalonica
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