Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Kinga Jakabffy - A true connection with yourself also makes it possible to connect with someone else

"When someone is truly connected to themselves, then there is also the possibility that they can connect with someone else. " say Kinga Jakabffy. I have been following the artist Kinga Jakabffy for a few years now and I am also happy that she was one of the first artists that I photographed in her window for my project "Moments in Lockdown" back in 2020. Kinga has a beautiful way of communicating important subjects and social issues with her paintings. The colours she uses gives her paintings a Mediterranean feel because this is where she feels herself most comfortable. "What I try to do is to show almost a bubble of a feel-good- moment. I try to show my subjects in a very confident and self- determined pose, because I think that it's amazing when someone feels really self confident and happy with themselves, and truly connected to themselves, then there's always the possibility to connect with somebody else. " Hear more about how she celebrates the solidarity between women through her paintings and how her work is evolving by the social questions she raises. Kinga also expresses her wishes for the future and she gives a shout out to the lovely French restaurant in Vienna "La Mercerie"

#artistspainting #kingajakabffy #communicatingthroughart #connectingwithyourself #solidaritybetweenwoman #womansdayinterview #petrasittigtheartistsvoice

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Kinga Jakabffy - A true connection with art Petra Sittig/Kinga Jakabffy