Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Ken Forrester - Winemaker - Trying to translate the fruit into the best wine possible.

"Humans, we are like that. We are born with trust. That's what we do. We go and do things because we believe it's going to be ok," says Ken Forrester, owner and Winemaker of Ken Forrester winery Stellenbosch. "You've got to believe. You just have to go out there and and do it and find out what happens." Ken is talking risks and also about his most exciting project where he is making wine using 4 or 5 vintages from one vineyard to create a wine. he feels that the fact that he is not a qualified winemaker but learnt the art of making wine by gaining experience on wine farms around the world, gives him the freedom to do whatever he wants. He also believes in a more natural approach when it comes to farming as well as making wine. Hear more about the story behind his wine farm and Ken's wishes for the future.

Ken's shout out goes to Peter Tempelhoff restaurants and also The food barn in Noordhoek

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Ken Forrester - Winemaker - Trying to translate the fruit into the best wine possible. Petra Sittig/Ken Forrester