Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Jonas Nielsen - Organist - Showing the organ as an interesting instrument.

"And I think it puts us organists and the organs as instruments on par with, for instance; Violinists and Pianists, who can stand on a stage and we can clearly see what they are doing. We have to do tricks like that to show people what we are doing because if not, we would just be hidden," says Organist Jonas Nielsen about why he is using a camera and screen during his concerts. Jonas is an organist from Denmark and he is talking about all the aspects of playing the organ. His wish is to show more people that the organ is an interesting instrument. He has a wonderful news feed on instagram where he regularly posts videos of him playing the organ. He also raises the topic about the physicality of playing instruments and why there are not more awareness around the fitness when it comes to being a musician. Here more about how Jonas started playing the organ and his wonderful way of doing improvisations during his concerts.

Jonas makes a shout out to his favourite coffee shop in Denmark: Stiller's coffee and La Cabra

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Jonas Nielsen - Organist Petra Sittig/Jonas Nielsen