Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Ino Chang - Artist - Art is an important pillar that really builds children's belief in themselves

"The main pillars of academia that you have, to study a language, maths and science, and I think art is an important pillar that really builds any child's tenacity and their belief in themselves and also spiritually, how they develop themselves." says Ino Chang. He is talking about how he used his ability to draw and paint to communicate as a child and how this helped him to express himself. Ino works as a project manager dealing with mergers and acquisitions and even though his job seems to be worlds apart from creating artworks, but to do his job requires creativity that he borrows from his ability to do art. Hear more about Ino's wishes for the future and how he would like to get involved in art education.

Ino's shout out goes to Le Soufle in Paris

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Ino Chang - Artist - Art is an important pillar that really builds children's belief in themselves Petra Sittig/Ino Chang