Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Freddie Rutz - Performer, magician. With the Environmental Magician show, I want this really to fly.

Freddie Rutz, Performer, Environmental Magician: " I will find out how many times did I build things, even show them, and how far it actually did fly. So not many things, although the drum show went really far, but not as far as I wanted to have it flown. So with the Environmental Magician show, I want this really to fly. I know by piloting it, I make mistakes, but I'm eager to learn and correct. I know this show is the first object that I've produced that really can fly."

Freddie is a former dancer and musical performer and a popular artist at many international shows and events. As one of the few magicians with a full theater education, comedy-magic is his big passion. Freddie is also the president of the Berlin Magic Circle.

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Freddie Rutz - Performer, magician. With the Environmental Magician show, I want this really to fly. Petra Sittig/Freddie Rutz