Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Emile Manefeldt- Multi- medium Artist - There is a tremendous power in art healing us.

"There's a tremendous power in art healing us. But it's not because of the art itself, but it's because of the slowing down our lives from this hectic race we're running and we don't know where we're running to. By experiencing, seeing, and in that process the healing will take place as well." says Emile Manefeldt, Obstetrician and Multi- medium artist.

" For me it's a lifeline, " "Sometimes if you are stressed and over worked, it's just a release to let these things come out. Not merely as decoration, but saying something, making a point, highlighting the plight that woman are in. We see, where I'm working at the moment, a lot of terrible things, and you need some way to show the world on one side, and for yourself to reconcile being a human with what is happening around you." Emile is talking about his art projects and the series of art works he did to bring attention to the work the nurses do in hospitals every day. They are the ones who care for the patients, not just their physical needs but also their emotional needs. His Modern Madonnas represent these women, old and young who are caring for their patients.

Hear more about Emile's work as artist and his wishes for the future. See his artwork at the end of the interview.

Emile's shout out goes to Bosjes and Nuy on the hill.

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Emile Manefeldt- Multi- medium Artist - There is a tremendous power in art healing us. Petra Sittig/Emile Manefeldt