Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Cobus Haupt - Drawing attention to both the art of sculpture and the essence of humanity itself.

Cobus Haupt is a renowned bronze sculptor whose work is deeply inspired by history, popular culture, and tradition. His sculptures are not only visually captivating but also invite tactile interaction, blending a sense of playfulness with profound artistic expression. The ancient art of bronze casting significantly influences Haupt’s creative process, both in form and concept. He views human beings as extraordinary in their uniqueness, vulnerability, and the so-called imperfections, flaws, and scars that mark their bodies. These human ‘defects’ and ‘deformities’ serve as metaphors for life’s experiences, mirroring the distinctive marks left on bronze through the casting process.

Emphasizing the importance of process in his work, Haupt meticulously undertakes every stage of sculpting himself—from mold making to the final casting. This hands-on approach ensures that each piece is a true reflection of his artistic vision. His sculptures offer a fresh perspective on the classical Western tradition of bronze sculpture. By working directly from live models, Haupt molds his creations in clay, later casting them in bronze, and intentionally leaves surface irregularities and imperfections. These choices not only emphasize the inherent qualities of the casting process but also celebrate the raw and unrefined aspects of the human form. In this way, Haupt’s work becomes a dialogue between the transparency of his methods and the beauty of human nature, drawing attention to both the art of sculpture and the essence of humanity itself.

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Cobus Haupt - Drawing attention to both the art of sculpture and the essence of humanity itself. Petra Sittig/Cobus Haupt