Petra Sittig Photography - Vienna, Austria

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Conductor Andrej Vesel conducting the Ton der Jugend Symphonie Orchester

"... back then, even though I just wanted to be a pianist, I just wrote as a dream: 'Conductor in Vienna', I just put it out there. And then suddenly I find myself here.... Yeah, dreams come true!" Andrej Vesel - Conductor

Andrej is still excited about being in Vienna and also that he had the opportunity to study conducting at the MDW. Now in June 2022 he will be finishing his studies and conduct the closing concert at the Musikverein in Vienna.

On the 11th of May 2022 Andrej will be conducting the Ton der Jugend Symphonie Orchester at the Konzerthaus, with pianist Nefeli Mousoura. He is talking about his choice of music for this concert and why he also chose to do the music of the young composer Alma Deutscher.

Hear more about the work he has been doing for his thesis and also his wishes for the future.

Andrej's shout out goes to the Menza at the MDW Anton-von-Webern-Platz

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Conductor Andrej Vesel conducting the Ton der Jugend Symphonie Orchester. Petra Sittig/Andrej Vesel