Petra Sittig Photography - Photoshoots for Artists and Professionals

Moments in Lockdown

moments in lockdown - Petra Sittig

What initially started as a modest photographic project- simply wanting to uplift Artists, by photographing them in their windows from a street angle - very quickly became a much more significant and symbolic message.

The repercussions and consequences of this pandemic will shape the Artistic and Cultural industry long into the future and I believe in the importance of creating awareness and showing support for the many creative individuals and organisations who are fighting to create and envision a future where Arts and culture remain important and relevant in our society.

With this project, I want to give artists a louder voice and a platform for them to express themselves as individuals and to share their inspiring stories and perspectives. If they are not seen on stage, they are not seen at all and I wish to change that. The arts have contributed a significant amount to the evolution of humanity and society, and we should not forget the individuals who have devoted their lives to the arts; nor should we disregard the artists of today.

Since February 2021, I have also extended this project to hosting zoom interviews with artists from around the world.  Although I started to gain insight in what artists in Vienna are experiencing, I wanted to reach out to artists around the world and give them the opportunity to speak about how they have experienced these ongoing lockdowns. I was curious and interested in finding out how they kept themselves motivated and inspired, despite the silence.  I was also intrigued to hear their thoughts on potential solutions that could be developed and implemented in order to make sure that our art institutions will be able to withstand the current crisis.  I have also asked every artist to express their wishes for when this pandemic is over. My intention, was to give the chance to express and voice hope into the future.  The answers to this question amazed me and again reinforced the notion that artists have the ability to see beyond problems and obstacles.